Episode 69: Eugénie Krüger on Homeopathy, milk of a dolphin, and tapping into the Vital Force

Episode 69: Eugénie Krüger on Homeopathy, milk of a dolphin, and tapping into the Vital Force

Eugénie Krüger is a practicing homeopath based in Western Australia with over a decade of experience helping clients use homeopathy remedies to overcome all manner of illness. She is also host of the Homeopathy Hangout Podcast.

In this conversation with Eugénie we discuss:

  • The history of homeopathy
  • How homeopathy remedies are made
  • Some of the most bizarre remedies that exist
  • Using dog shit for low self-esteem
  • How homeopathy helped cure one woman's brain cancer
  • Homeopathy for plants and animals

Learn more about Eugénie at EugenieKruger.com.

Terrain Theory episodes are not to be taken as medical advice. You are your own primary healthcare provider.

If you have a Terrain Transformation story you would like to share, email us at ben@terraintheory.net.

Music by 
Chris Merenda

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