Episode 41: Dr. Grayson Dart on 21-day water fasts, healing autoimmunity, and Baconators

Episode 41: Dr. Grayson Dart on 21-day water fasts, healing autoimmunity, and Baconators

Dr. Grayson Dart is a classically trained medical doctor who stepped outside the medical system to find answers to an autoimmune disease he struggled with for much of his life. He has since devoted his life and practice to helping clients use natural healing – that is, the body’s own healing properties – to overcome all sorts of health challenges.

In our conversation with Dr. Grayson we discuss:

  • how he healed himself of asthma
  • what it was like being mentored by Dr. Tom Cowan
  • what happens during a month-long water fast
  • who should – and shouldn't – do a water fast
  • the importance of re-feeding carefully

...and more.

Learn more about Dr. Grayson at doctordart.com and on Instagram .

Terrain Theory episodes are not to be taken as medical advice. You are your own primary healthcare provider.

If you have a Terrain Transformation story you would like to share, email us at ben@terraintheory.net.

Music by Chris Merenda

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