Episode 68: Dr. Rob Williams on geoengineering, the history of weather modification, and what's really going on up there

Episode 68: Dr. Rob Williams on geoengineering, the history of weather modification, and what's really going on up there

Dr. Rob Williams is a breathwork coach, environmentalist, and co-founder of OurGeoengineeringAge.org, an organization taking an evidence-based approach to exploring "our planet's most pressing yet underreported global environmental issue."

In this conversation with Rob we discuss:

  • The history of geoengineering
  • How OGA came to be
  • What's really going on up there
  • The chemistry and physics behind weather modification
  • The difference between contrails and "chemtrails"
  • What we can do about it

Learn more about Rob at OurGeoengineeringAge.org and at ThePeakFlow.com

Terrain Theory episodes are not to be taken as medical advice. You are your own primary healthcare provider.

If you have a Terrain Transformation story you would like to share, email us at ben@terraintheory.net.

Music by 
Chris Merenda

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