
Nick Keene is the owner and manager of the Egremont Barn in Western Massachusetts. He rejoins us for an update on his journey training to be a pourer of Ayahuasca, a potent plant medicine long used by indigenous peoples in South America.
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Lincoln Crockett is a Washington-based musician and energy healer trained in the Barbara Brennan School of Healing.
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Kim Knight is an empowerment coach and emotional alchemist who assists clients in transforming (or transmuting) their feelings of overwhelm, unhappiness and chronic illness into a natural state of joy and health.
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On the eve of elections here in the United States, co-hosts Ben & Mike break down the argument for opting out and choosing not to vote, using a selection of philosophy, comedy, and music through which to view this topic.
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Zowe Smith is a former medical coder who has blown the whistle on the crimes against humanity that were committed in hospitals during the height of the COVID experience. She is the author of The Covid Code: My Life in the Thrill Kill Medical Cult.
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